Pittsburgh Zoning Map - North Side Commercial Parking Prohibited Area

By Carolyn Ristau


Pittsburgh’s interactive zoning map includes many layers besides the zoning districts, most of which relate to requirements within or adjacent to the zoning code. For an overview on how to use the interactive zoning map, see our introductory post.

To select different layers, click the stack of paper in the upper right corner. The layers available are listed below. Today’s post features the North Side Commercial Parking Area layer, pictured above and in bold text below.

  1. Zoning

    • Zoning Districts

    • Zoning Districts Outlines

    • Zoning Max. Height Overlay

    • Height Reduction Zone Overlay

    • 1500’ Major Transit Buffer

    • Parking Reduction Areas

    • North Side Commercial Parking Prohibited Area

    • Baum Centre Zoning Overlay

    • Inclusionary Housing Overlay District

  2. RCO (Registered Community Organization) Areas

  3. City Divisions

    • DPW Divisions

    • Neighborhoods

    • Council Districts 2012

    • Council Districts 2022 (Current)

    • Wards

  4. Historic Preservation

    • Mexican War Street Historic Boundary

    • Individual City-Designated Properties

    • Pittsburgh City Historic Districts

  5. Environment

    • RIV Riparian Buffer (125 Feet)

    • Stormwater Riparian Buffer

    • Floodplain Areas

    • Landslide Prone

    • Potential Steep Slopes Overlay Area

    • Undermined Areas

  6. Addresses

  7. Allegheny County

  8. City Boundaries

  9. Imagery 2021

The North Side Commercial Parking Area


This layer of the interactive zoning map shows the boundaries of the North Side Commercial Parking Overlay District. When this layer is clicked, the pop-up box confirms that the point clicked is within the boundaries of the area and links to the zoning code section that discusses the North Side Commercial Parking Overlay District regulations, which are copied below.

Relationship with Zoning

The regulations for the North Side Commercial Parking Area Overlay District are in the Development Overlay Districts Chapter of the Zoning Code (Chapter 907).

907.03. - NSCPO, North Side Commercial Parking Area Overlay District.

907.03.A   Intent

The intent of the NSCPO District is to prohibit the installation of commercial parking areas as defined under Sec. 911.02 on vacant lots.

907.03.B   Application

When an Occupancy Permit Application is filed for zoning approval of a commercial parking area on property located within a NSCPO District, the Zoning Administrator shall disapprove the application.

In other words, an application for a new primary use as commercial parking on a currently vacant lot is likely to be denied when located in this overlay.


If your project is for a new commercial parking area on a vacant lot, check Pittsburgh’s interactive zoning map to see if the site is within the boundaries of the North Side Commercial Parking Area. If it is, either consider a different site to put the commercial parking use or consider a different use for the site. When neither of these options is compatible with the project needs, a third option is to request a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment, though there are no guarantees for the outcome.


Pittsburgh Zoning Map - 1500’ Major Transit Buffer


Pittsburgh Zoning Map - Parking Reduction Zoning