Pittsburgh Zoning Districts - HC Uses

By Carolyn Ristau


Zoning districts regulate what uses are permitted through what approval paths. Any use not listed in the following four categories below would require a use variance from the zoning board to proceed, unless the zoning administrator determines it is a use-not-listed that can be reviewed by staff.

As of July 2021, the online version of the use table identifies the following uses as allowable in the HC (Highway Commercial) zoning district. Note: Whenever there is a code amendment it often takes months for the online version to be updated. Zoning staff have access to the most recent code amendments, which can also be found on the city’s online legislation center.

Permitted-by-Right (P)

Uses that are permitted-by-right are designated by a P in the use table. These uses can be approved administratively by staff and were often referred to as “over-the-counter” under the in-person, paper submittal process. (As this is Pittsburgh, the phrase will likely stick for some time even now that the online submittal process has essentially done away with the counter.)

Note: Permitted-by-right is permitted only provided that all applicable zoning code regulations are met, not just the use standards.

  • Assisted Living Class A & B

  • Agriculture (Limited & General)

  • Agriculture (Limited) with Beekeeping

  • Animal Care (Limited & General)

  • Art or Music Studio

  • Bank or Financial Institution (Limited & General)

  • Bed and Breakfast (Limited & General)

  • Car Wash

  • Child Care (Limited & General)

  • Club (Limited & General)

  • Community Center (Limited & General)

  • Construction Contractor (Limited & General)

  • Cultural Service (Limited)

  • Educational Classroom Space (Limited & General)

  • Grocery Store (Limited & General)

  • Hotel/Motel (Limited & General)

  • Laboratory/Research Services (Limited & General)

  • Laundry Services

  • Library (Limited & General)

  • Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited)

  • Medical Marijuana Dispensary

  • Medical Marijuana Growing and Processing

  • Medical Office/Clinic (Limited & General)

  • Nursery, Retail (Limited & General)

  • Office (Limited & General)

  • Parking Commercial (Limited)

  • Parks and Recreation (Limited & General)

  • Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited & General)

  • Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited & General)

  • Recycling Collection Station

  • Religious Assembly (Limited & General)

  • Restaurant, Fast-Food (Limited & General)

  • Restaurant (Limited & General)

  • Retail Sales and Service (Limited & General)

  • Safety Service

  • Service Station

  • Utility (Limited)

  • Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited & General)

  • Vehicle/Equipment Sales (Limited)

  • Vocational School (Limited & General)

  • Warehouse (Limited)

  • Warehouse, Residential Storage

Administrator Exception (A)

Uses that are permitted through the administrator exception process are designated by an A in the use table. The administrator exception process is reviewed by staff but involves a posted notice on the property and additional fees. It usually requires more documentation than the permitted-by-right process.

  • Housing for the Elderly (Limited)

  • Personal Care Residence (Small)

  • Funeral Home

  • Parking Commercial (General)

  • Parking Structure (Limited)

  • School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited & General)

  • Sidewalk Cafe*

  • Vehicle/Equipment Sales (General)

Special Exception (S)

Uses that are permitted through the special exception process are designated by an S in the use table. The special exception process is reviewed by the Zoning Board of Adjustment and involves a posted notice, public hearing, and additional fees. For each special exception, there are specific criteria listed in the zoning code that must be met before the zoning board can approve the proposal.

  • Community Home

  • Housing for the Elderly (General)

  • Personal Care Residence (Large)

  • Amusement Arcade

  • Public Assembly (Limited)

  • Check Cashing

  • Communication Tower, Class A & B

  • Cultural Services (General)

  • Forestry Activities

  • Freight Terminal

  • Firearms Business Establishment

  • Helistop

  • Manufacturing and Assembly (General)

  • Parking Structure (General)

  • Pawn Shop

  • Recycling Processing Center

  • Warehouse (General)

  • Welding or Machine Shop

Conditional Use (C)

Uses that are permitted through the conditional use process are designated by a C in the use table. The conditional use process is reviewed by the Planning Commission, which then makes a recommendation to City Council which is the approving body. There are multiple posted notices, multiple public hearings, and additional fees.

  • Public Assembly (General)

  • College or University Campus

  • Communication Tower, Class C

  • Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility

  • Correctional Facility (Limited)

  • Custodial Care Facility

  • Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major

  • Helipad

  • Hospital

  • Transit Facility

  • Utility (General)

*Note in my experience at Pittsburgh’s zoning office, sidewalk cafes were treated as a permitted use, if the associated restaurant or cafe was permitted, regardless of the use table designation.

For Additional Information:

See our overview of the HC for more about this district and our Introduction to Pittsburgh’s Zoning Districts for the complete list of base zoning districts in the city.


Pittsburgh Zoning Districts - HC Density


Pittsburgh Zoning Districts - HC Overview